Twinning for the promotion of EU-level democratic engagement and civil participation

Together with our partners, we planned to implement a four-day event which is connected to the main priorities of the Europe for Citizens’ call for tenders at numerous points. Everyone could join our diverse programs that are available for each people; during the joint activities, we greatly focus on the exchange of opinions and experience. As a result, the participating persons got to know each other better and the involved organizations could find links to each other's activities.The citizens who participate the event come from regions where scepticism and indifference against EU is on a significant level. We were awaiting guests from Slovakia, Romania, the Netherlands and Slovenia.


A Szabolcsi Fiatalok a Vidékért Egyesület szervezésében „ Twinning for the promotion of EU-level democratic engagement and civil participation“ címmel Nyírgyulaj település adott otthont 2016. július elején egy hangulatos nemzetközi program megvalósításának a Europe for Citizens- Testvértelepülés  programon belül. 

A program magyar, román, szlovák, szlovén és holland partnerségben valósult meg, önkormányzatok és civil szervezetek bevonásával.

Az Egyesület partnereivel közösen egy többnapos rendezvényt valósított meg, mely több ponton kapcsolódott az Europe for Citizens kiírás fő prioritásaihoz. Sokszínű és mindenki számára elérhető programokba  mindenki bekapcsolódhatott, a közös tevékenységek során nagy hangsúlyt fektettek a szervezők a vélemények és tapasztalatok cseréjére. Ezek által jobban megismerték egymást a résztvevő személyek, és a bevont szervezetek is kapcsolódási pontokat találtak egymás tevékenységében  

A programnak célja volt, hogy az ide látogató résztvevők tartós személyes kapcsolatokat alakítsanak ki egymással, és képesek legyenek hosszútávú együttműködések, tevékenységek működtetésére is. A rendezvény záró napján sor került az öt oldalú együttműködési megállapodás aláírására is, melyben a résztvevő szervezetek, önkormányzatok kifejezték azt a céljukat, hogy a jövőben is együtt kívánnak működni egymással az Európai Uniót érintő kérdésekben.


Részvétel: a projekt lehetővé tette a találkozókat közvetlenül 880, közvetve 7500 állampolgár részvételével, akik közül Szabolcsi Fiatalok a Vidékért Egyesület Nyírgyulaj- Hungary, Obec Jasov Jasov-Slovakia, Drustvo mladih Lendava Lendava- Slovenia, Stchting Neeka Europe Nijmegen-Netherlands, Comuna Alunis Alunis- Romania  lakosai.


Helyszín/Dátumok: a találkozó helyszíne Nyírgyulaj- Hungary volt,  5/07/2016  és 8/07/2016 között

Részletes leírás:

A total of 180 foreign participatns visited the 3-day event in Nyírgyulaj from the following countires:

- 60 people from Slovakia

- 30 people from Slovenia

- 30 people from the Netherlands

- 60 people from Romania

These participants represented a wide range of age group from young to old and also many people attended from Nyírgyullaj and neighbouring towns.

The program of the event was completely implemented according to application form.

Visitors of the event came from Nyírgyulaj and other neighbour towns.

On 05/07/2016 guests arrived to the venue of the event (participants from partner organizations, local guests and people from town). The „voluntary street” opens at 9 AM and from this time the all-day outdoor games for children also started. The voluntary street offered the possibility for visitors to better know the European Voluntary Service through exhibitions, non-goernmental and humanitarian organizations and to participate on a question-answer session coordinated by Eurodesk. At 2 PM each partner organization introduced their activities. Between 15:00 and 18:00 Sport tournament started, followed by cultural program and music what ended in the evening.

On 06/07/2016 the program strated with a guided morning walk to show local attractions and to introduce the town for foreign visitors, also to give the possiblity to make some „photo memories”. At 10:00 the Open Day at the local government strated which aim was to give an insight for foreign and domestic visitors how the local govenrment works, to practice „elections” and governance. To show the way „How local decision makers work, how they make a decisions”. This part was interesting for foreign visitors to compare their own with this one and for local young people who did not know much about this kind of work. At 15:00 a cultural show strated to introduce local cultural values to our foreign guests. Than our Dutch and Slovakian guests introduced themselves during a cultural programme called „Our European values”. After this a common film screening started, where the main theme was migration. These films gave an overview about last month (years) events, how it strated, the possible reasons behind it and different point of views all over the world. It was interesting to see how a Dutch, a Slovakian, a Romanian etc. see this world shaping event, how their countires reacted. This was one of the most intense discussion of the whole event. After this a Joint Entertainment closed the day.

On 07/07/2016 the day started with an outdoor breakfast than several events strated in paralel. An outdoor football and water football competition started for young people. With visitors from partner cpuntires we planted plants together at the EU-Park 2016 and at the same timet he Red Cross presented itself, its activities and people who were brave enough could donate blood. The „How we help if there is trouble” section started at 15:00 and its aim was to present the mechanism of the EU in case of a crisis. During „Our European values Part 2” our Romanian and Slovienian guests introduced themselves and their activities. At the evening we prepared the partnership agreement, than the day was closed with a concert.

On 08/07/2016 the day started with a creatice workshop called „From Nyírgyulaj to Europe” which aim was to create a greating from the photos taken during the event and from multilangual reports. Fort he afternoon sction we invited the Europe Direct Information Point. With games and leaflets connected to the EU, visitors could better know what the EU is, its activities and roles. During the afternoon, the partner organizations discussed the future of the network, possible connection points/activites and future cooperation projects